Monday, March 19, 2012


Our students read "Mr. Bones", a story about a real life paleontologists during our literacy block.  After reading the story, we discussed what a paleontologist is, what they do, and what tools they might use.  During our science center that week, our students got to act as paleontologists.  They received a chocolate chip cookie (their dig site) and their tools (a "brush" and a tooth"pick").  Then they had to dig out their fossils (chocolate chips).  They had to use great patience and delicate movements, ensuring they did not damage their fossils.  They got a small glimpse at what it would be like to be a real paleontologist.

After students finished digging out their fossils, they had to write the steps that they went through to excavate their fossils.  They thoroughly enjoyed this activity -- especially when they got to eat their fossils and dig site (their cookie - ha ha ha!).

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